

Carla Brown

Carla discovered Pilates when she was fighting for her health after suffering from chronic lyme disease and fibromyalgia. She saw in her own body how this type of movement heals, so she knew she had to bring this movement to others.

Carla completed her first training in 2009 and opened The Pilates Club in Ohio in 2011. Carla trained comprehensively in 2012 (600 hours) with Power Pilates based in New York. Additionally, Carla has trained to be a senior teacher and teacher trainer with Power Pilates and has completed Kathi Ross Nash’s Pilates Professional Advanced Teacher Training Program. She has attended numerous workshops including two trainings on scoliosis. She has attended conferences with Jay Grimes, Bob Liekens, Mari Winsor, Kathi Ross Nash, Dana Santi, Brooke Siler, Chris Robinson, Peter Fiasca, Larry Gibas, and Moses Urbano.

Sadie Brown
